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Lily Ong

Sourdough Pita Bread

I love this recipe. You can even use unfed sourdough that's been sitting in your fridge. Just make sure they aren't too acidic. Those not older than a week are fine.


220g levain / unfed sourdough

90g wholewheat flour

150g all purpose flour

110g cold water

5g salt

10g sugar

15g oil

▶️ Mix all ingredients except oil until it forms a strong dough then add oil

▶️ Proof at room temp (28-29C) for 2.5 hours (here, you can retard it in the fridge and proceed when you have the time. Or..)

▶️ Punch down the dough, divide to 8 pieces and roll them into balls

▶️ Preheat oven to 250C now (with fan on)

▶️ Flatten the balls into discs. I used my palm only. The disc will shrink and it's ok. Rest them 15-20 mins

▶️ Now, with a rolling pin, roll out the discs further to the size of a regular pita. Flour if it sticks. Rest another 20 to 30 mins

▶️ Bake the pita until they puff up completely. That only takes a few minutes

▶️ Troubleshooting: the pita doughs have to be rested enough for them to puff. I have tried baking right after rolling and it didn't puff up nicely. So if you have trouble with that, this could be the reason.

These can be kept in room temperature for a few days. I prefer to freeze them to keep the freshness sealed. To reheat, just pop them in the oven as usual.

Happy baking!



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